Mia At The Moment

Summer Paradise Detox Smoothie


My recipe for the tastiest, healthy detox smoothie you’ll have all summer.

I make smoothies for my girls and myself almost every day. It’s such a convenient and easy way to get a ton of vital nutrients and vitamins all in one serving. To keep things fresh, (see what I did there?) I never follow a recipe but rather go with what I know is healthy, and most importantly, what TASTES good!

The summer paradise detox smoothie is a new recipe that I came up with last week. I call it “paradise” because when I asked my family what they thought of when they tasted it, Layla said it tasted like something she would drink while sitting in a chair on the beach in a tropical paradise, and I couldn’t have described it better myself! Here in Maryland, the weather has been very summer-like which means refreshing and healthy drinks are the key to staying happy and hydrated. Don’t be turned off by “detox” in the name of this ultra-refreshing delight! This isn’t meant to be taken by someone unhealthy per se, rather as a regularly consumed food for staying healthy in a world filled with dangerous chemicals (anything ending in ‘-icides,’ or ‘-ide’ like pesticides and fluoride).

Packed with nutritious fresh raw ingredients, and FLAVOR, I promise, this smoothie will quickly become one of your favorites this summer! Read on for health benefits of each ingredient and the recipe.

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Why this smoothie is SO GOOD

Aloe vera: Good for internal and external uses, aloe is known to flush toxins out of the body, aids in digestion, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and is rich in antioxidants such as and vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, B1, B5, B6, potassium, magnesium, and it contains seven of the eight essential amino acids.

Cherries: Fresh sweet or tart cherries are packed full of anti-oxidants and vitamins such as vitamin C, as well as fiber, polyphenols, carotenoids, and potassium. Furthermore, “results from published animal and human studies suggest that consumption of cherries may reduce the risk of several chronic inflammatory diseases including, arthritis, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, and cancer.”[2]

: Heart-healthy strawberries are loaded with vitamin C and potassium, which both combat heart attacks, high blood pressure, and bad LDL cholesterol. Plus, strawberries are extremely rich in fiber, manganese, and anti-oxidants, the latter of which fight free-radicals and reduce the risk of cancer.

Bananas: Muscle miracle workers that are full of magnesium, folate, and potassium, an electrolyte that helps muscles recover from workouts. Bananas are also mood boosters helping to regulate stress and boost your mood overall thanks to tryptophan, which is a precursor for serotonin, aka the “feel good hormone.”[3]

Turmeric: Turmeric has become increasingly popular in the U.S. over the last few years, and it’s about time! This golden natural medicine contains curcumin, which is a “natural antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory benefits, as well as [possible] benefits related to slowing the aging process and preventing Alzheimer’s disease and potentially depression.”

Manuka honey: I’ve sworn by manuka honey for years; lauding it for it’s immune support, and ability to heal skin injuries like new (I was introduced to manuka honey after suffering a second degree burn). Anti-bacterial, oral health, and it’s ability to fight sore throats and coughs are a few other properties that make this special honey a must for any homeopathic medicine cabinet.

Watermelon: Excellent for hydration and the perfect refreshing sweet summer treat, watermelon also boasts plenty of health benefits from vitamins C, A, B1, B5, B6; lycopene (which gives it its red color), and magnesium.

Lemon: Digestive aid, collagen booster, cancer fighting, and of course, chock full of vitamin c for skin and immune support!

Almond milk: I’ve replaced dairy milk with lower-calorie nut milk, specifically vanilla almond milk. I didn’t want this to be a rich smoothie, but rather more like an enhanced version of pure blended watermelon, so I opted for this over dairy milk. Also, love the vanilla flavor it gives the smoothie!


Pit cherries using a cherry pitter, or sturdy straw. Slice about 1 inch off of the base of the aloe leaf, then using extreme caution (it’s extremely slippery!!) remove clear gel inside from green parts. Blend all ingredients in blender and enjoy right away! Makes about 24 oz.

What I used:


  1. Aloe vera benefits. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318591
  2. Cherry benefits. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5872786/
  3. Banana benefits. https://www.eatthis.com/benefits-of-bananas/
  4. Turmeric benefits: https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/diet/scientific-health-benefits-turmeric-curcumin/
  5. Watermelon benefits: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/watermelon-health-benefits#section2

xo, Mia

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